Friday, 22 July 2011


Discussing any topic is always my favourite past time. I am of firm view that by discussing topics only, we can have a better understanding of any subject.

I always want to learn the things which I don’t know. I am ready to hear anything from anyone at anytime which interests me and about the topic which I think that is such a piece of knowledge which I would love to know.

Oh!!! Sorry!!!! I forgot to tell you about myself. I am Vinay. A young knowledge savvy guy of 26 years of age working in the Indian Air force for last nine years as a clerk.



Clerk…. LLLLL

Ok…, if you don’t like the appointment then let us make it Administrative Assistant. Yes! that’s how we call it in our organisation and it sounds nice too.

Since we are not here to discuss what I do and define it, I think we should move forward and to start with I would like to tell you that I hail from Hindi speaking region. I had a passion for writing since my childhood days and my writings were in Hindi only. But after joining IAF, I started writing in English and now I have decided to compile my write ups in English too.

Wait!!! No need to check the internet and waste your time in searching for my credentials, please. You will not find anything about me becoz I am not a renowned writer as Salman Rushdie, Robin Sharma, Paulo Coelho or Chetan Bhagat. I am a writer who writes what comes in his mind i.e. I write, I read and I feel happy that’s all….

Oh… I forgot, sorry for the diversion but it was necessary to tell something about myself and I think, I have not gone too far boasting out myself and have come back early. JJJJJJJJJJJ

So I was talking about my passion for discussions or rather I would like to say ‘listening others thoughts’ on diverse subjects.

Actually, I am very annoyed today and have decided not to indulge in any unwise discussion. I am amaze to observe that how ignorant people are and how rigid they may become in accepting this fact.

I am of view that before indulging in any such argument, one should be thorough in the subject. If he is not, he should listen carefully what other are discussing and questions, if arising in his mind, should be asked at the end and not in between the discussion.

Here, i.e. in IAF, I find people jumping in the middle of a discussion without even knowing head & tail of it just to prove that they are also aware of the subject.

Also, I am of view that such discussions should be done to have clear understanding of the issue being discussed and not to prove oneself superior to others or to show someone’s knowledge.

The informative discussions so held would not only clear the doubts of the individuals but also would be fruitful for metal development of individual which in turn would help in development of the nation as a whole.

We should always bear in mind that we are not omnipotent and the person speaking in front of us may be wise enough to enhance our knowledge. We should not speak just for the sake of speaking but we should speak in a manner which is appropriate for a wise man and support our thoughts with well established facts and deeply gained knowledge.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


I always thought revolutions are made for bringing about long awaited changes in the society. I was also of view that revolutions are done by common man under the leadership of some uncommon leader.

Sometimes I wonder who are these uncommon leaders who alone can influence the life and thoughts of so many people? How do they tend to bring about changes at such wide levels? Sometimes, I also thought of studying their photographs, thinking that someday I will be able to find something in common in them and may be in future, I will be able to figure out the leaders of the future.

Foolish???? Isn’t it???

Now, I also think that it is foolish to think like that but still the quest is on and the question is what do these people have in common which makes them uncommon.

You may be thinking that why I am writing on this topic today??? No news, no anniversary, no national day not even a modest debate anywhere then how this topic came up???

Let me tell you that what you are thinking is right, but today, when I went for shopping, I met one Inspector of Delhi police, his sharp words of criticism compelled me to think about the future of my country.

He said, “Rules & regulations are made for common people and not for those who are sitting at the top levels”.

He went on saying that the thought of brining about a paradigm shift in the system is a nice way of keeping oneself busy.

He further added that any changes made by common man in the system cannot sustain for long, let it be the best of its type. It will revert back to its original position after sometime.

It is only the feeling in the individual which gets satisfied, but for your satisfaction of few moments why to lose so much of valuable time and energy. Also, by doing so the individual remains disturbed for longer period of time as these activities require lot of time, energy, money and above all patience. The revolutionary’s family life also gets disturbed and loss of mental peace too is a common phenomenon.

Hence, it is better not to try for such changes. But still if someone’s ego is not satisfied then he should try to get at that level where he could live peacefully and lavishly.

By reading the above thoughts you must have imagined how degraded our society have become in its thoughts? I want to ask each one of us, do we want to live in such a society? Do we want to make a society which is selfish in nature? Do we want to live again the life we had during British times?

After much of logical debates, heated arguments and lots of learning from elderly people, I am of view that those who make revolutions are true in their character, strong in their moral behaviour and have a different kind of thought process.

In extremes too they do not forget their ethics. They look towards the things from its logical point of view. For them cast, creed, religion, nationality noting matters. They belong to that group of people which does not belongs to any country or nation but it belongs to this world. They are strong believers of universal brotherhood.

Their strong ethics combined with iron determination and almost no desire for worldly pleasures is the key to what the common people call ‘their success story’. For them, someone else’s happiness is their own satisfaction.

In this path, their resistance to divulge from their moral ethics, ability to follow the logical reasoning, capacity to withstand all odds & the feeling of world brotherhood keeps them moving ahead every day.

I accept that I am not a teacher, not a leader, not a religious guru, not a lawyer. I don’t even have great command over English language. But I know that I am the common man and I am sure that each one of us thinks the same.

Therefore, I dare to request, each one of us, to give our children, strong moral and ethical character. So that once again, we can see our nation (if not this world) being called as ‘the golden bird’ of older times.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

अन्ना की जीत, हमारी जीत, प्रजातंत्र की जीत

आज बड़ी ही ख़ुशी का दिन है. जश्न मौसम है और मौका भी . आज मैं सोच रहा था की अपनी ख़ुशी को कैसे सबके साथ बांटू और फिर ऐसा महसूस हुआ की सिर्फ एक ही तरीका है और वो है ब्लॉग लिखने का .

ब्लॉग भी कितनी अच्छी चीज़ है न अपने दिल की सारे बातें कितने ही लोगों के साथ बाटने का एक बड़ा ही सुगम तरीका है . कितने ही लोग आपसे अनजाने में जुड़ जाते हैं और न जाने कितने ही आपके विचारों से परिचित हो जाते हैं .

आज आपको अपने दिल की बात कहने के लिए एक दोस्त ढूँढने की ज़रुरत नहीं है बस १० मिनट का टाइम निकलने की जरुरत है और एक छोटा सा ब्लॉग लिखने की ज़रूरत है .

मैं जानता हूँ की आप ये सोच रहे हैं की बड़ी जल्दी ही मैं अपनी सोच से भटक जाता हूँ और कहीं और की बातें करने लगता हूँ, पर ऐसा नहीं है जनाब हम अपने विषय पर भी घूम कर आते हैं जी .

हाँ तो मैं कह रहा था की एक दिन मुझे एक ई-मेल मिला जिसमे 'जन लोकपाल कानून के मसौदे' का लिंक था तथा लिखा था की मैं भी इस को पढूं और अपनी राय दूं और लाल किला जा के इसको अपना समर्थन दूं . मैंने भी सिर्फ जानकारी हेतु इस लिंक को खोला और मसौदा पढ़ा और मुझे बड़ा ही अच्छा लगा की कोई तो है जो इस अच्छे काम को जन जन तक पहुचने का प्रयास कर रहा है . मैंने भी उस ई - मेल को कई लोगों को फॉरवर्ड कर दिया .

फिर कई दिन बाद अचानक एक दिन खबर आई की अन्ना हजारे, जो की एक गाँधीवादी समाजसेवक हैं, वो इस कानून की मांग को ले के जीवनपर्यंत भूख हड़ताल पर बैठ गए हैं. मैंने सोचा की जब एक ८० साल का वृद्ध व्यक्ति, जिसकी उम्र भी अब ज्यादा नहीं बची है, जब वो इस कानून को ले के इतना संवेदनशील हो सकता है तो हम क्यों नहीं? क्या इस देश के प्रति हमारी कोई ज़िम्मेदारी नहीं बनती? और बस यही सोच कर जा पहुचे जंतर मंतर पर उनका समर्थन करने और वहां मौजूद लोगों का उत्साह देख कर तो मन गदगद हो गया . और आज जब अन्ना जैसे कमज़ोर व्यक्ति के आगे इतनी शक्तिशाली सरकार ने घुटने टेक दी तो मन उल्लास से भर उठा और झूमने लगा क्योंकि ये जीत सिर्फ अन्ना की ही नहीं थी, ये जीत हमारी और आपकी भी थी, ये जीत हर उस किसान की थी जो अपने खेत में मन लगा के काम करता है, हर उस मजदूर की थी जो दिन में शरीर की आखिरी ताकत तक काम करता है, हर उस आम आदमी की है जो इस देश की प्रगति के लिए दिन रात काम करता है . सही मायनो में ये जीत प्रजातंत्र की है .